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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

X-Factor Blues

Normally I feel empty at this time of year. At soon as X-Factor finishes, it's like a friend leaves the country to go off traveling. I know I'll see them again but it doesn't stop me missing them terribly. But not this year. I'm glad it's over because, quite frankly, they lost me when Diva Fever got voted off.

X-Factor worked because it was like Panto. There were the same old characters doing the same old things but it was brilliant. And then Simon Cowell fell in love, turned into a nice fella and 'whooosh' - the magic was gone.

I think Sean Ryder to replace Simon Cowell. That would make it interesting. Or Gordon Ramsay. None of the judges makes any sense so I don't think they need to limit themselves to people in the music industry.

Matt is a great singer and Rebecca a worthy runner up. I would like to have seen one erection (as they have come to be known in our house) in second place though so that I could be rooting for the other person to win. For the first time in ages I really didn't care who won - not good.

It was all too nice. This is not what I signed up for!!!

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