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Monday, December 12, 2005


I wrote to the chap who set up the ghost tours to tell him of my experience in the Black Mausoleum. After a few days he wrote back to me thanking me for taking the time to write to him. He then went on to offer me complementary places on the tour should I ever be in Edinburgh again. I haven’t answered that e-mail!!

I thought the whole incident was over and behind me until Saturday night. Whilst telling the story to a friend at dinner, boyfriend displayed his usual cynicism. “You just felt ill” he said. Once we’d had the obligatory “how dare you not believe I was attacked by a poltergeist” row, he went on to say the following.

“The only thing that I can’t explain about the whole thing is the scratches that were on your back.”


Earlier in the week he’d discovered some scratches on my back. When he’d pointed them out I’d started to freak out slightly!!! Thus, he quickly changed his story to say they were just marks from my bra. However, after 2 and a half bottles of wine on Saturday night he changed his story.

So what made the scratches? Neither my hand nor boyfriends hand is big enough to have made the scratches. I’m not sure we’ll ever know…

But one thing we do know - if I need to get the truth out of boyfriend then ply him with 2 and a half bottles of wine!!!

This is the last entry on this subject. It’s giving me the eebie jeebies!

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